Thursday, February 24, 2005

Can't quit before you see Daddy and Emma casting off a few zzzz's!

Aren't they good-lookin'? You'll notice that there are no pictures of sleeping Momma.....oh, yes, I sleep as often as I can....I just don't get my picture taken while I'm doing it!

Sleepy Isaac

Sleepy Isaac
Originally uploaded by russandshari.
I tried to rotate this picture, but for some reason, it wouldn't do it! So everybody tilt your head to the right, and check out my sleepy son......he LOVES to fall asleep in his booster chair!

The Tired Ewings

Buddy is tired, too!
Originally uploaded by russandshari.
Everyone is tired at the ewing house lately! We've made it through the stomach flu, and now it's sinus infections! Tho't I'd post a couple of pictures.....this one shows that even our big puppy, 9 month old Buddy, gets his naps in!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

tired, but a good tired.....sort of

It's getting late...Russ is in bed, without me again. I always seem to do this to myself. I wait until late to try and do some housework (this time laundry) and then I wear myself out until it's no question...I have to fall into bed. I wish I had Isaac's energy. He's in his bedroom with the lights out, but he's not asleep yet. I hear one of his Wiggles toys blaring away.

I got probably one of the best compliments of my life today, and I owe it all to the Lord. After the 10:30 a.m. worship, I was in the lobby preparing to help in Isaac's class for a few minutes like I always do, and one of the men I see pretty often at church (there are so many people there...I just can't remember names). He thanked me for singing "I Just Want Jesus" with the choir, and then he said it. He said that I reminded him of his all time favorite singer, but that he didn't know if I would know who she was...Vestal Goodman. For those of you out of the southern gospel loop, before her death in late December of 2003, Vestal was known as the "queen of gospel music". She had been in the ministry, singing with her family for ages (I grew up singing along with their records...they were a family favorite)...and, best of all, she had the Lord's spirit constantly fresh and strong, following her every step of the way. To hear her sing or pray, or just speak a few felt like God was speaking directly through her (and He probably was!!). Mark Lowry, a christian comedian and singer, once said that when Vestal prayed, God stopped all of the noise in heaven and said "Shhhhhhhhh....Vestal's speaking!". Oh, if only I could keep that close to Him...


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Just some thoughts, late at night...

It's bedtime, but I just wanted to talk over some rambling thoughts in my mind.

Our choir rehearsal tonight at church was so special. For those of you who understand, the Lord visited us in a very sweet way. There actually was no rehearsal! We just sang, and worshipped and proclaimed God's Word. It was exactly what we needed as a church family......beautiful.

My sweet new friend, Cami, has suffered such a loss. She and her husband have been trying for a baby, and she was @10 weeks along, when she found out earlier today that the baby had died at 8 weeks. Having gone through that experience twice myself, my heart breaks for her. But I e-mailed her tonight, and my reminder to her was the same reminder I gave myself just weeks ago when I miscarried. God promises to be our strength, and He is, especially when we are at our weakest. He even says in His Word, that it is in our weakness that He is the strongest. He will carry Cami through this, even though it may seem impossible right now. And I truly believe that one day, in the not so distant future, Cami will be a wonderful mother to a beautiful, perfect child. I want her to hold to that vision....

Here's a whole new thought......can you believe how stupid this whole NHL season cancellation thing is? I MISS THE RED WINGS! And now we Red Wings fans are faced with the very possible fact that players like Hull, and Chelios, may RETIRE before hockey ever returns. They CAN'T go out like this!!!!!

My son, Isaac ( a terrific hockey fan in his own four year old way) had his EEG this morning. What a messy test that is! Russ went into the testing room with him (Emma and I stayed outside, and of course, entertained the entire waiting room.......she was busy smiling, flirting, throwing kisses at passing doctors and nurses, and trying to steal pop cans and sodas from other fols waiting with us!!!!), and when they came out an hour later, Isaac's hair (cut just yesterday, thank God) was sticking up all over the place. They put this sticky, thick goop in his hair to hold each one of the thirty or so leads...........YUCK! No word yet on how it came out, whether or not any seizure activity was seen. I'm sure if it was bad, they would have said something immediately. We'll find out the results next Friday at his neurosurgery appointment. Either that, or we'll talk about it March 1st at his first appointment with his new neurologist, Dr. Cameron. I really believe that seizure activity is not a problem for Isaac.....but we are going to work to find out if there is anything else that could be delaying his development (besides his prematurity, his hydrocephalus, and his "rough start" at life!).

I'm tired...Got some cute picture of the kids to blog...I'll do it later. I like this.....It's a great addition to my regular journal. Believe me, there's stuff in there I'd never post on the internet!!

More later.....God bless you all......

Monday, February 14, 2005

A Wonderful Evening...A Renewed Life Together

This evening was absolutely wonderful. Our church, Dayspring Assembly of God, had a valentines' banquet at one of our local country clubs. Russ and I went, as did @70 other couples. We had dinner, a short word from our Senior Pastor, a duet from our Young Adults Pastor and his wife (From This Moment was beautiful), and renewing of our wedding vows. Russ and I have only been married five and a half years, but this was absolutely beautiful. There's is something really special about sharing vows again after you've already shared some years of married life together. Those vows have so much more meaning now. And speaking of more meaning, I sang after the wedding vows. I sang the same song I sang to Russ at on wedding day, 9/18/99....."Grow Old With Me" by John Lennon. Have you ever really heard the words?

"Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. Now our time has come; we will be as one. God bless our love, God bless our love. Grow old along with me, two branches of one tree. Face the setting sun when the day is done. God bless our love, God bless our love. Sharing our lives together, man and wife together; world without end, it's a world without end. (Now here's the part that really got to me).....Grow old along with me, whatever God decrees, we will see it through for our love is true, God bless our love, God bless our love." What got to me so much more today than it did five and one half years ago? When I sang this to Russ the first time, we didn't have an Isaac, or a troubled pregnancy with Isaac, or two miscarriages, or even a blessed little Emma. God truly HAS blessed our love, whatever He has decreed. And, with God's help, we have seen it through. I cried while I sang it tonight....I didn't cry at our original wedding. I loved this evening. We even have a wedding renewal certificate. It will take a place of special meaning in our house. I thank God for my husband, for he's a gift......and for our entire life together, from 1999 to now, and for eternity. Thank you, Lord, for the best Valentine's Day I've ever had. I look into the Russ' eyes, and into the eyes of my beautiful children, and that's all the hearts and flowers and candy I'll ever need.

By the way, Maggie, the precious canine friend I wrote about previously, is gone now. God, take care of her, and bless her life in eternity. Think that's silly? I don't. God promises that if we follow hard after Him, He will give us the desires of our heart. My desire is to have my pets with me in Heaven, and I believe that Maggie, along with others I could name......lots of others.......will be waiting there for me someday. Please excuse the typos in my previous posting. It was kind of hard to type those words.......

More later....

My Beautiful Maggie

My Beautiful Maggie
Originally uploaded by russandshari.
Today should be a happy valentines day for me....but I can't help but be sad. My Beautiful Maggie....she's the dalmatian you see here. She would have been 13 years old this September (September 25th to be exact), but today she went home to be with my mom and dad in Heaven. She lived with my sister and her husband; but for many years, before my sister and I married, she lived with Mom and Dad, and me and my sister, and another Dallie, Joey, in our house on the lake. She was the "Zen" dog, so calm and pleasant most of the time, it seemed like nothing could phase her...unless she was on her way to or at the vet's office (just ask my husband Russ)!! Maggie was a very loving, brown and blue-eyed dog, and she had to be put down today because of a very serious infection in her lungs. Maggie, it's time to home now. Mom and Dad, and your friend Joey are all waiting for you. I will miss you with all of my heart, and I'm so sorry that I couldn't be there at the end to say goodbye. I'll miss all those mornings we laid in my bed, talking over the day ahead. You were a great listener. And you never condemned, never just looked at me with those big beautiful eyes. I have a Dallie of my own now; his name is Buddy. I'm so sorry that he and Maggie never had the chance to meet. I'll post some pictures of him soon. My prayer is that he continues to grow healthy and happy, and someday, (God willing...there are days right now when we could kill him!) he'll be a beautiful, loving, listening friend, just like my Maggie. Goodbye, girl......

Saturday, February 12, 2005


Originally uploaded by russandshari.
My baby doll...You know, when I was a little girl, I would beg Santa (Mom and Dad, actually.....I never did like talking to those store Santas!) for a new baby doll. I am just so blessed that God gave me two Christmas babies, Isaac on 12-19-00, and Emma on 12-23-03. Now I watch Emma play with her babies, and I think....someday, she'll be a mommy, too!


Originally uploaded by russandshari.
After my last post, I had to look at the most recent "professional shots" of my kids. We took this photo of Isaac, in front of Santa, because we use this background every year, and we use it to see how much he has changed and grown. I hope Walmart never gets rid of it (or the least they can do is save it for us)...

Oh, by the way...

By the way, I just happened to think of something, and I thank the Lord for this memory. It was five years ago today that we finally brought Isaac (all three pounds, twelve ounces of him) home from the hospital for the first time. Back then, doctors weren't sure whether he would live that long. But look at him now...He is healthy, he is beautiful, he is 31 pounds...small but mighty nevertheless. Sometimes I forget how far he has come...

Make Him Smile, Lord...

Oh, Isaac is in a horrible mood today. We all slept in...maybe that's what is wrong. But it seems like the majority of his time today has been spent in crying and whining. I don't think it's physical pain, but I'm not sure. This is one of those frustrating days when you have a child with developmental delays, particularly communication delays, like Isaac. When they are a baby, or a toddler like Emma, it can be difficult to figure out when something is wrong, but eventually you can. Then when they are four years old, but their communication is stuck at baby-toddler level -- like Isaac -- the situation worsens for everybody. I guess this is one of my major areas of prayer and concern right now. I want to be able to talk to my son. I'm already having times when Emma and I can start to communicate, and those times are becoming pretty regular. But with Isaac, they are few and far between. I hate it, but that's nothing compared to the way it makes Isaac feel and behave. He gets frustrated and screams, and hits himself, and hits at Russ and me, and sometimes he bites himself or us. I want so bad to make all of these problems just melt away, to make my son talk like he should be talking, to give Isaac some peace of mind (and give myself some while I'm at it) but I can't. Lord, give us all a smile today, and remind us that You ARE working in Isaac's life. There are just days like this one...when the intervention of Your wonderful, loving hand is hard to see.....

Friday, February 11, 2005

Getting Everything Together

We're back, and it is a fairly busy Friday morning. I let Isaac and Emma sleep in this morning, since all of us have been so sick with the stomach flu. But, from the sounds of it, they are up and ready for breakfast! That is Great! But it also means I have only a few minutes to blog. I've beentrying to update our weblog this morning, giving it a more complete look. I just have to figure out now how to put a list of our favorite links at the side, and how to add a picture of us to our profile. I found the area where I can add a picture, but I'm not sure of the html of the picture I want to use. I'll figure it out eventually.

I'm tired today. But I copied down a great prayer this morning from our Children of Destiny site (see our second posting or check the link below; look under "help defeat autism in Jesus' name"). It says: Dear Lord, There are times when we become discouraged and feel robbed of strength because of the load we carry. Nevertheless, the Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Therefore, we ask that in times of weakness and tiredness that You would visit our family with joy, which produces strength, and delight, which produces vitality. We pray that You would bring a new wind of strength (I like that!) to our spirits for days ahead. We ask, Lord, that You would teach us how to have joy and delight in You, even when our circumstances are difficult (dealing with an autistic child, with sickness in the entire family, with day to day life!). In Jesus' name, Amen." That prayer began the process of picking up my spirits this morning, and I hope it does for you, too!

More later...

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Picture #2...I think

Originally uploaded by russandshari.
I couldn't remember if I sent this picture or the other family picture....but I'll get better at this! Don't you love Emma's face in this picture? That is definitely a picture of her personality! Isaac looks a little tired here. We call this one of his zone-outs...he still looks cute, doesn't he?

More later...

Mommy Has It Under Control!

Originally uploaded by russandshari.
Okay, folks (with much thanks to Craig Magrum!), I can finally get photos on this weblog!!! I feel so smart now...I just hope I don't mess up. For those of you who know anything about the internet, blogging, etc., I had to change photo sites. I encourage ANY of you who are trying for the first time to go where Craig M. Suggested to! It's great!

In the Beginning...

Well, this is something new...We've never had a "blog" before. As a matter of fact, I wasn't even sure what a blog was (guess you could call me an internet "dummy"), until some friends at church sent us information about their blog (thanks, Craig & Gayle). Russ and I are going to keep you all updated on our little family right here on the blog, plus we'll share thoughts, junk, recipes, anything at all......I guess it depends what comes to mind! Plus, once I learn the ins and outs of this, we'll have regular pictures of us, Isaac, Emma, and much more. I also want to encourage everybody who checks in to check out some of the websites we have suggested. They range anywhere from a great recipe site (you can find just about anything there!), to Russ' favorite barbeque friends, to sites on autism, church-related items, etc.

So why do this? It's because we love you all, and we hope you love us, too! AND this is a great journal-keeping item for Isaac and Emma. One day, I hope they want to add to this blog, or even get one of their own!

More later...

Be patient

I'm back for a quick add-on. Please be patient with this blog, and with me (Shari). I'm still trying to figure out how to put everything on it! Until then, check out these sites:
(look under "help defeat autism in Jesus' name")

Well, that should get you started! More later....'s later and I'm editing and trying to send a picture of us. I may change our picture sending.....helper....whatever you call them! This is harder than I thought.