Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Time for another posting...

I'm really getting bad at posting on this blog. I guess I just get too wrapped up in other things.

We do know now that the new baby is a boy...Ronald Lee Ewing III. I wish that November was here, and that the baby was here...this is my last pregnancy, and I'm already tired of it. I know what they say about cherishing these moments. I'd rather get to the baby moments, thank you very much!

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about the ministry that Russ and I have...God brought us together to spend our lives together as man and wife, as dad and mom, and as ministers together. We are sure of it. And I think I know exactly what that ministry what society would consider the the sad, the troubled, the hurting, the "different", the "challenged". My mind goes back to the days when I was considering ending this life, because I couldn't take the pressure or the guilt anymore. I remember being in the "hole" at the stress clinic....being on suicide watch, wanting everyone to leave me alone and let me die. I hear the cries of so many around me with those same thoughts. Can I tell you something, if you are one of those in need? You are not unlovable, you are loved by One far greater than time and space, One who created the heavens and the earth. And I love you as well, even though I may have never met you! PLEASE...if you happen to read this, and those thoughts of being unwanted, of being guilty, of being dirty have crossed your me. Let me tell you that this life IS worth living, and why! Let me share with you the guilt and pain that I felt, and that I still have chance to meet with, even today. PLEASE......

More later...