Been a while.....not like I'm busy or anything....
We are in a battle right now with the Social Security Administration. My husband told me not to say anything about this on the blog, but at this point, I don't care. We are filing for SS Disability for Isaac, because of his CP, autism, mental retardation and developmental delays, etc., etc., etc. We were refused because they said we made too much money or had too much in resources. They got their figures from some ballpark numbers that Russ gave them over the phone. He didn't know he was giving them final figures. They had us making 150 dollars too much; however, they had our 1600 dollar truck listed at 2000 dollars, and our small 40 dollar a month checking account listed at 250 dollars, just like our regular checking account. The only thing we use the smaller checking account for is to pay the monthly tab for my gym membership.
Obviously we are way below their standard, but they didn't see it that way. So we are filing an appeal. We are gathering all of our eggs, and we are going to get this financing for Isaac. The problem was the attitude of the service reps that I was talking to. They are outright insinuating that we are trying to make money from our son! How rude, and how wrong. I can't believe that after all Isaac has been through, here he is in another battle for something he definitely deserves. In his five years of life, he has never caught a break! I may also contact our congressman about this. The rep told me that it was my fault anyway, because Congress made the rules, and I elected them! So....I'll contact that man I elected, and let him know what I think of these reps whose brochure promises that they will be pleasant and helpful!
I've been losing my mind anyway lately. Not just because of all this SS stuff, but we now have two basset hound puppies (Happy Valentines Day!). Roscoe and Lulu are a HANDFUL! So now I am daily dealing with five cats, two puppies, a four month old infant who is the size right now of a nine month old, a two year old toddler who thinks she's 22, and a five year old autistic son. That's not even counting picking up after my 34 year old husband! AAGH! My life is so full that I want to scream! I think I need Nanny 911 or Supernanny to come to thins house and give me some useful suggestions! She'd probably run away, insanely screaming!!!!! Russ says I wanted them, too, which is partly true. I love them, but let's be honest. He never outright asked me if I wanted the puppies. I just never disagreed with him because it wouldn't have worked! Once he gets his mind set on something, there is no stopping him!
Like the new photos? I'm getting the hang of this! Later...
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