Monday, June 12, 2006

Disorganized? Who, me?

I simply cannot believe that it has been almost three months since my last entry. Sorry friends and family who check in every once in a while, but life is nuts! I've applied for jobs to go back to work, been refused, decided now to stay home. Russ has started grad school, but now has to drop out for a while because of our money situation. And he is looking for another part time job to supplement the income from the mission.

But on the exciting side, Russ has decided to get his credentials back with the A/G. I am so glad. We are now looking ahead to getting back into the pastoral ministry! This is a relief, really, because I married a pastor! I missed it, even though it is an extremely hard job to be a pastor's wife.

It does upset me greatly that I didn't get the jobs I applied for, but I truly believe this is all in God's timing. I am meant to stay with my children for now. I am meant to be a housewife. I am meant to be a pastor's wife. I know that. It just hurts to know that I am not contrbuting financially to the family like I would wish. I still have my disability monies, but it is not much.

Speaking of disabilities, I've been having a lot of trouble with the bipolarity lately. It's been so bad that I don't even remember last Friday, except for a few dreamy memories. And those memories are NOT good. Russ says that he doesn't like that Shari. I hate her, too. The stress has been HUGE, and I know that it is the largest contributing factor. I'm doing my best to reduce it (ha!).

One of my bigger reliefs comes in the package of Time McGovern. He's a program resident at Cherry Street, and he is now a member of our family, and that is no joke. He is Poppi Tim (sometimes Uncle Tim) to the kids, and he is a great big brother to Russ and I. He lives with us on the weekends, and we've informed him (and he has heartily agreed) that wherever God leads us in ministry, he is coming along. He is a true blessing to the entire family.

We've lost Moe. He isn't dead, or so we think. He's run off. He has been seen by some folks in the park, or near the park, so we are still hopeful that he could come home. If not, we hope that he has found a place to live out his years in comfort and happiness. But I really miss that LOUD meow of his in the morning!!

More later (I promise)...

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