Friday, January 12, 2007

I'm terrible at techno stuff

Okay, so I am absolutely no good at technological things. I still can't get pictures onto my blog. I know, I've done it before, but I am serious when I tell you that those incidents were sheer FLUKES! Anybody want to give me a comment, and let me know what I'm doing wrong? i'm trying to put pictures onto the blog that are .bmp files, and are in My Documents, under the subcategory My Pictures. HELP!

More painful news for me...I'm facing more surgery. Why, God? It seems that my former hernia repairs (from September) are lettting go a bit, and need redone, and I have the beginning of a new hernia on the other side. I have surgery January 30th, and face at least three days in the hospital. Yuck! I also found out yesterday that there is every possibility that I have degenerative back/disc disease in my lower back. I'll know more sometime later today or Tuesday. I'll face a lot of pain meds and possible future surgery for that! Woo Hoo!

I've often questioned why God would let us have pain of any kind. The biggest questions in my mind toward this subject came with the death of my mom, and later my dad, my dad's whole
"career" of pain, with arthritis, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and more. Plus, when Isaac was born so terribly, I wondered how God could allow Isaac to suffer anything at all, when he was so small and so vulnerable. And now Isaac may face more surgery, with a shunt repair (lengthening), and a repair of his fundoplication (stomach surgery to help with his reflux). Why, Lord?

But I also have learned, and I need to remind myself, that God does not give us anything that we can't handle. And it is never a case of handling it in our own strength...we have the Lord Himself to supply whatever we need, at whatever moment we need it. Do we need physical fortitude? God gives us plenty. Do we need peace? God says, "Shusssh" to the wind and storms we are passing through. God provides.

Provide now, Lord. The recent hernia surgery was so problematic and so painful. Give me peace and grace, and strength to see it through again. And give me the guts to start and stick with a diet and fitness program. To see that scale hit 305 pounds yesterday make me literally sick to my stomach (and it wasn't the hernias causing that queasiness). Both Dr. Dood and Dr. Lane told me that my back condition and my hernia condition were worsened greatly by my weight. It's time to make a change, and I can't do it alone, and Russ and I can't do it alone. help us, Lord.

And finally, Father God, be with Isaac. The former surgeries happened when he was so little, at a time when he would eventually forget the whole experience. But now he is six years old, and circumstances have changed. Help him to understand that it is all for his benefit. And help Isaac to gain a deeper knowledge of You, an intimate knowledge. Only You know the best way to break through his autism, etc., and make that relationship happen.

And thank You, Lord, that Ronnie and Emma are healthy at this time. Continue to help them to grow into a perfect friendship with You, even as young as they are.

More later...

1 comment:

Jolene said...

Ok, when you want to add a picture you click on the icon at the top of the post page that looks like a picture and when you hover over it is says add image. Click on that. Click on Browse. Click on the drop down arrow in the box next to Look in: and select My Documents. Double Click on My Pictures. Double Click on the picture you want to upload. Click on Image Upload and that should do it for you! Hope it helps!!