Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Time sure flies...

Has it really been almost a month since I last posted? Everything has been so busy, with family, church, "working on the railroad" (the historic Bluebird), and more, I lose track of time.

But it has been a great month. We still don't know what the baby is...boy or girl. Actually, we tried to see in an ultrasound, but its little legs just stayed glued, and it wouldn't let us see! We do know this....the baby is VERY healthy. All of my blood tests came back perfectly normal, the baby's heartbeat is great, it was VERY active during the ultrasound......I am so happy!

Isaac and Emma are growing like weeds. Isaac has actually begun communicating more in the past couple of weeks...something is clicking somewhere! We still don't know if he is brain-damaged or autistic, because, due to some problems, we are now switching neurologists. But hopefully we will know more by fall. Maybe it's just that Isaac is taking his sweet time talking! Emma is just a little princess, and she knows it! She loves to play with her brother, to dance, to watch Teletubbies (just like Isaac), and to be goofy, just so Mom and Daddy will laugh. She is now starting to get the idea that a new baby is coming. I think she will have some problems with it when the baby is born, but we're working on getting both Isaac and Emmy ready!

Russ is, as always, working extremely hard, whether it's at the mission, at the railway, or at home. he wears me out! But finances have NOT been good, and that is frustrating for him. I help as much as I can right, with my disability and teaching some voice lessons. But it's summer time, and I had some students stop for the summer, so that's less financially. It makes me feel very guilty about not working, but I know right now that, mentally, I just can't handle a job outside of the home. He is up for a full-time position at the mission...executive chef yet to boot...but we haven;t heard anything yet. Lord, please give him some answers soon!

More later...